b) Koilonychia:-
Here the nails get to be distinctly sunken like a spoon. This condition is found in iron insufficiency anaemia.In this condition the nails turn out to be thin, delicate and weak. The typical convexity will be supplanted by concavity.
c) Longitudinal ridging is found in raynaud’s sickness.
d) Cuticle gets to be distinctly worn out in dermatomyositis.
e) Nail crease telangiectasia is a sign in dermatomyositis ,systemic sclerosis and SLE.
4) Structure and consistancy:-
a) Fungal disease of nail causes discolouration, distortion, hypertrophy and strange weakness.
b) Thimble setting of nail is charecteristic of psoriasis ,intense skin inflammation and alopecia aereata.
c) The inflamation of fingernail skin or nail overlap is called paronychia.
d) Onycholysis is the seperation of nail bed found in psoriasis,infection and subsequent to taking antibiotic medications.
e) Destruction of nail is found in lichen planus, epidermolysis bullosa.
f) Missing nail is found in nail patella disorder. It is an inherited sickness.
g) Nails get to be distinctly fragile in raynauds sickness and gangrene.
h) Falling of nail is seen in contagious contamination, psoriasis and thyroid sicknesses.
5) Growth:-
Decrease in blood supply influences the development of nails. Nail development is additionally influenced in serious ailment. At the point when the illness vanishes the development begins again bringing about arrangement of transverse edges. These lines are called Beau’s lines and are useful to date the onset of sickness.