Foamed macaroni
Put an a few macaroni into foaming water and cook until fragile. At whatever point done, exhausted totally, then incorporate a half quart of deplete, part cream if it can be overseen, fairly salt and one well-beaten egg; blend over the fire until it thickens, and serve hot.
Macaroni with cream sauce
Cook the macaroni as composed in the method, and present with a cream sauce masterminded by warming a scanty 16 ounces of rich deplete to rising, in a twofold warmer. At whatever point percolating, incorporate a stacking tablespoonful of flour, rubbed smoothed in a little deplete and one fourth teaspoonful of salt. In the occasion that ached for, the sauce may be prepared by absorbing the deplete before thickening for ten or fifteen minutes, a cut of onion or two or three bits of celery, and after that ousting with a fork.
Macaroni with tomato sauce
Drop a few macaroni into gurgling milk and water, an adjust of. Allow it to rise for a hour, or until greatly sensitive. Then set up the sauce by rubbing a half quart of stewed or canned tomatoes through a colander to clear all seeds and areas. Warmth to percolating, thicken with a little flour; a tablespoonful to the half quart will be about the basic degree. Incorporate salt and if desired, a half measure of thin sweet cream. Dish the macaroni into individual dishes, and present with a little measure of the sauce poured over each dish.