Best Tips for Speaking English

#3 No literal translation please!
Now, when trying to speak the English language or when trying to understand what the other person is saying, most of us literally translate the sentence word by word which often leads to a hay-wired conversation. Since the order of words is different from one language to the other, you might find it difficult to frame a sentence. So the best way is to learn phrases and sentences. During a conversation some people tend to use slangs and cliché. If you do not understand what they said, do not hesitate to ask what it meant.
#4 Practice what you learnt!
Imitate and speak what you hear. Speak out loud to make yourself heard and keep on practicing till you get it right. The more you speak the higher will be your scale of fluency. So when you learn to speak, keep your sentences short and simple. Adorning your sentences will only make it difficult for you to frame correct sentences and to carry on a smooth conversation. To learn a language, reading, listening, and speaking are the most important aspects. However, to attain fluency in the language, speaking is the only requirement.
The natural order of learning how to speak is listening, speaking, reading, and then writing. However, in schools the order of teaching a language is reading, listening, speaking, and then writing which might be confusing sometimes. This is mainly because when learning a second language, you need to first understand to learn it. And to improve your fluency all you need is to surround yourself with English. In short, think in English and speak in English!