Action of Alcohol on Internal Organs
Once more, the solid structure of the heart falls flat attributable to degenerative changes in its tissue. The components of the strong fiber are supplanted by greasy cells or, if not all that supplanted, are themselves moved into an altered solid surface in which the force of withdrawal is enormously lessened.
The individuals who experience the ill effects of these natural disintegrations of the focal and overseeing organ of the flow of the blood take in the reality so deceptively; it barely breaks upon them until the wickedness is far cutting edge. They are aware of a focal disappointment of force from slight causes, for example, overexertion, inconvenience, broken rest or too long forbearance from nourishment. They feel what they call a “sinking” yet they realize that wine or some other stimulant will on the double diminish the sensation. Consequently they try to soothe it until finally they find that the cure comes up short. The tainted, exhausted, loyal heart will bear no more. It has run its course and the legislative leader of the circulation systems broken. The current either floods into the tissues step by step damming up the courses or under some slight stun or abundance of movement stops entirely at the middle.