4 Tips for Lighting a Cigar

For new smokers, lighting a stogie can appear as overwhelming as figuring out how to pick a decent single. Here are four tips to guide you in lighting a stogie surprisingly.
1. Utilize cedar matches, if conceivable. In the event that you like to utilize a lighter, ensure it’s butane lighter to evade solid smells.
2. Warm the open end of the stogie (otherwise known as ‘the foot’ of the stogie) gradually over the fire, without touching it to the fire. Give a dark ring a chance to conform to the end.
3. Put the stogie in your mouth and attract gradually. Hold the stogie over the fire, about a large portion of an inch above it, again without touching. Keep on drawing in until the stogie draws the fire. Turn the stogie gradually, turning it to set up an even smolder.
4. Once your stogie is lit, remove it from your mouth and watch the smolder you have set up. On the off chance that the blaze gives off an impression of being uneven, just blow on the dim segments to draw the smolder, and afterward take maybe a couple attracts from the stogie to restore an even smolder.